Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Over at Civil War Memory, Kevin Levin is mystified as to why Don Imus felt free to use the phrase "nappy-headed hos" on his show:
What I don't understand is why as a society we continue to tolerate this kind of language. Don Imus has one of the most popular radio talk shows (broadcasted [sic] live on MSNBC) and is a regular stop for politicians on the campaign trail, well-regarded journalists, and other popular figures. What I have difficulty understanding is the fact that he apparently felt comfortable enough to say those things at all. There was no hesitation in sharing these thoughts over the wires owned by NBC.

Kevin has apparently (a) never listened to Imus, (b) never ridden the New York City subway, (c) never listened to rap music, and (d) never seen a Spike Lee movie. It is perfectly obvious that Imus, affecting, as he often does, to be a super-cool urban hipster, slipped over into thinking that he could talk "black."

Kevin is right to wonder "why we as a society continue to tolerate this kind of language" -- but it's strange that he hasn't noticed that "society" has been "tolerating" ("rewarding" might be a better term) "this kind of language" for many years.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin is, as usual, spot on:
Let's stipulate: I have no love for Don Imus, Al Sharpton, or Jesse Jackson. I repeat: A pox on all their race-baiting houses.

Let's also stipulate: The Rutgers women's basketball team didn't deserve to be disrespected as "nappy-headed hos." No woman deserves that. I agree with the athletes that Imus's misogynist mockery was "deplorable, despicable and unconscionable." And as I noted on Fox News's O'Reilly Factor this week, I believe top public officials and journalists who have appeared on Imus's show should take responsibility for enabling Imus—and should disavow his longstanding invective.

But let's take a breath now and look around. Is the Sharpton & Jackson Circus truly committed to cleaning up cultural pollution that demeans women and perpetuates racial epithets? Have you seen the Billboard Hot Rap Tracks chart this week?


  1. Your responses to my posts are usually quite thoughtful, which makes this one so difficult to comprehend:

    You said: "Kevin has apparently (a) never listened to Imus, (b) never ridden the New York City subway, (c) never listened to rap music, and (d) never seen a Spike Lee movie. It is perfectly obvious that Imus, affecting, as he often does, to be a super-cool urban hipster, slipped over into thinking that he could talk "black.""

    In fact I can answer yes to all of these points. Is this really supposed to be an argument? So now where do you go from here? Finally, re: Malkin's comments I don't understand what Sharpton or Jackson has to do at all with a response to what Imus said. Why is our first instinct to go ahead and compare one outrageous outburst with another?

    Kevin at Civil War Memory

  2. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Elekratig is right on the money with the inconsistency applied to certain performers and not others. In addition, Kevin Levin plays the "shocked" card with Imus, but inconsistently refuses to acknowledge or suggest any punitive measures for anyone else. It just fits neatly into his biased political agenda. Check out his blog for additional inconsistencies and biases.


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