Tuesday, March 06, 2012

What If Adams and Jefferson Did Attack Ads?

I can't resist pointing out this great project described at Real Clear History: What If Jefferson and Adams Did Attack Ads?
This spring, a small cadre of Williams College students is participating in an experimental history course on the American Presidents. Instead of producing papers, as is the norm in most history classes, the students will create video campaign ads for the presidential elections from Washington to Lincoln.

There’s a catch, though. The students can only use images, quotes, documents, and music from the era. They cannot use anything that came afterwards. An image of the White House burning in 1812 would not work for the election of 1808. They cannot use images of Leutze’s famous Washington Crossing the Delaware, a product more reflective of the 1840s than the 1770s. Their assignment is to capture the spirit of the age – not the spirit of our historical memory.
Real Clear History is partnering with the class and promises to display the best videos every week or so, as the students progress through the elections from 1796 through 1860.  In the first installment, linked at the top, RCP has four videos that might have been used in the 1796 contest between John (the Monarchist) Adams and Thomas (Indecisive Atheist and Jacobin) Jefferson.  I've posted a different anti-Jefferson piece here.

The videos are also posted at YouTube, and it appears there's a YouTube Channel at which all the videos will be displayed.  I'm eagerly anticipating future installments.

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